With Valentines Day coming up, Roy and I thought long and hard about what we should show you how to make today. Then, inspiration struck. On Valentines Day it is traditional to give chocolates or flowers, but did you know that when you give somebody a bunch of flowers or even just a bunch of herbs, you can actually tell them something in a 'secret language'?
Although many people no longer remember or use the language of flowers, each flower, each plant, each tree and each herb has a specific meaning. Flowers, and particularly herbs have had associations with ideas and religion for centuries, herbs were even thought to have magical properties! During Elizabethan times (when Shakespeare lived) the language of flowers was so well understood that Shakespeare actually uses it in his plays, knowing the audience would know what he meant! It was during the Victorian era though that the language of flowers, or floriography, reached its peak. In Victorian times, giving a gift of flowers or foliage was not only a beautiful gift, it was a gift full of meaning. You could use it to wish somebody happiness, to declare your love, or even to reject a proposal of marriage! It wasn't just the flowers themselves which had meaning though, even the way which the flower was held or the hand which you used to give a flower to somebody could relay a 'secret' message. Flowers were an important part of every day life. They were used in the designs of jewellery, clothing for both men and women, material used to cover chairs, as designs on china and crockery and even on the paper which fashionable people used when they wrote their letters! The language of flowers was well known and understood and even the scent which you used on a handkerchief could say something about you. If you would like to learn more about the language of flowers click here.
Roy and I thought very carefully about what to include in our posy. We decided to include lots of herbs, because they represent many things which we liked, and are even a useful gift. We also decided to include a few flowers to set off the greenery. Best of all, our posy smells divine!
You Will Need:
- Scissors or garden secateurs
- Ribbon
- A tag with enough room to write what is in the bunch, and what it means
- A pen
- Your choice of flowers, herbs and leaves. Roy and I chose:
- Basil (for best wishes and love)
- Mint (for protection from illness)
- Oregano (for joy and happiness)
- Rosemary (for remembrance)
- Sage (for wisdom and long life)
- Thyme (for strength and courage)
- Parsley (for knowledge)
- Dalhia (for the promise that I will always be yours)
- Using the scissors, carefully collect the flowers and herbs which you are going to use in your posy. Roy decided to cut pieces about 20 centimetres long.
- Arrange your herbs and flowers into a nice bunch and tie the stalks with the ribbon. You might need a little help with tying the ribbon!
- Write a message, and also what the flowers and herbs in the bunch are and what they mean on your tag.
- Tie the tag to your posy.
- Give your posy to a special someone as a gift!
So, for those last minute gifts, go out into the garden and create a gift full of fragrance, beauty and meaning!